The GENSAT project at The Rockefeller
university is an NIH funded, publicly available gene expression
atlas of the developing and adult central nervous system
in the mouse. The project also generated transgenic BAC-EGFP
reporter and BAC-Cre recombinase driver mouse lines, which
are available as research resources to the scientific community.
Detailed information is available from the GENSAT
website and the GENSAT
resources at NCBI. To find out more about the
distribution of these resources, please go to
Distribution of
the GENSAT Collection BAC-EGFP reporter constructs will
be handled by BACPAC Resources. Please contact [email protected]
for pricing information or place a trial order (without
completing it). In order to order the reporter construct,
you will need to have the name of the EGFP BAC. To find
the correct name, please search the BAC
Catalog at the GENSAT website for the gene of interest.
The reporter BAC name is found under the column label "Order
from CHORI". Find your gene of intererest in the GENSAT BAC Catalog perhaps using "CONTROL F". For instance, look for "Casr" and find two connected BAC names: "RP23-4i4" and "BOX1581", representing the original BAC and the EGFP-modified version. Click on the EGFP BAC name, which
is hot-linked to the CHORI online ordering page, and it will
place the BAC in the electronic shopping cart (using a slightly changed name: "GENSAT1-BOX1581". If
you want to order multiple clones, then add the additional
names manually to the already-open shopping cart.
Note: Please do
not enter
BAC names found under the "BAC-address" column
label of
the GENSAT BAC Catalog into the CHORI BACPAC shopping cart.
If such names are inadvertantly entered, you will request
and obtain the original BACs lacking the EGFP reporter.
The name of the EGFP-BAC should always resemble this format: "GENSAT1-BX1581"
The MMRRC-UC Davis
Center holds and distributes mouse strains generated during
this project, for more information on availability of these
strains, please visit the MMRRC-UC
Davis website.