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BAC Library Construction

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   CHORI-103: Schistosoma mansoni BAC Library   

  Background information


The CHORI-103 BAC library has been constructed by Chung Li Shu and Kazutoyo Osoegawa at BACPAC Resources, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute. The NMRI strain was used for construction of the library. The strain has been in continuous culture since the 1950's. It has undergone a number of bottle necks and is likely highly inbred. Genomic DNA was isolated from the cercariae in agarose by Dr. Philip T. LoVerde and partially digested with MboI. Size selected DNA was cloned into the pTARBAC1.3 vector between the BamHI sites. The ligation products were transformed into DH10B T1 phage resistant electrocompetent cells (BRL Life Technologies). The library has been arrayed into 384-well microtiter dishes and also gridded onto two 22x22cm nylon high-density filters (one for each library segment) for screening by probe hybridization. Each hybridization membrane represents over 18,000 distinct Schistosoma mansoni BAC clones, stamped in duplicate. Library construction was supported through a sub-contract from a grant (U01 AI48828 from NIAID (NIH)) awarded to Dr. Najib M. El-Sayed at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR).

Provisional data for CHORI-103 Schistoma mansoni BAC library:


Cloning Vector


Restriction enzyme

Plate Numbers

Total Plates

Empty Wells

Empty Wells (%)

1 pTARBAC1.3 cercariae MboI 1-48 48 485 2.6
2 pTARBAC1.3 cercariae MboI 49-96 48 523 2.8


Segment Non-insert clones (%) Non-insert clones Non-Recombinant Clones (pUC) recombinant clones Average Insert Size

Genomic Coverage

1 4.5 Approx. 808 0 Approx. 17,139 140 Kbp 8.9X
2 1.9 Approx. 340 0 Approx. 17,569 150 Kbp 9.8X

Data on the CHORI-103 clone average insert size has been determined by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis. Clone size distribution has been plotted graphically. While analyzing clones using pulse-field electrophoresis to determine the average insert size, non-insert clones containing a small deleted vector fragment consistent with sucrose resistance were observed. Further in depth characterization of the library is on going in our lab and data will be updated on our web page periodically.

Please direct questions concerning this library to either Pieter J. de Jong .


  Ordering & Pricing information

The library is available in several formats. Individual clones, and high-density hybridization filters are obtainable. For ordering and shipping details, please view the ordering and pricing information page.

Academic and commercial users interested in a copy of the BAC library should contact Pieter J. de Jong ([email protected]), fax: (510) 450-7924).



Dr. Philip T. LoVerde ([email protected])
University at Buffalo
138 Farber Hall
School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, 3435 Main Street
Buffalo, New York 14214

Dr. Najib M. El-Sayed ([email protected])
Assistant Investigator
Department of Eukaryotic Genomics
The Institute for Genomic Research
9712 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, MD 20850


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